Happy New Year, cosmic cuties! We’re manifesting your best year yet.
Your first horoscope of 2024 is here. As the new year kicks off and Mercury retrograde comes to a close, your NYE might have been a little chaotic, but don’t worry; the stars are on your side this year. Oh, and welcome to the Age of Aquarius. 🏺 ♒️
- January 1: End of Mercury Retrograde
- January 4: Mars enters Capricorn
- January 11: Capricorn New Moon
- January 20: Sun enters Aquarius
- January 20: Pluto enters Aquarius
- January 25: Full Moon in Leo
- January 27: End of Uranus retrograde
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Yes, it’s Aquarius season, BUT we’re also entering The Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is an astrological era that welcomes progressive thinking, transformative social change, and technological innovation, all things this lofty air sign knows well. An astrological age can influence everything from society to politics to culture.
Although there’s some debate about exactly when The Age of Aquarius begins, we do know that it takes around 200-300 years to gradually transition from one age to another. Right now, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.
According to The Almanac, “In 2023, the location of the Sun on the March equinox is in the constellation of Pisces but also on the border of Aquarius. So, we are slowly moving into a new age, from Pisces to Aquarius.” Once the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into Aquarius, we will officially enter The Age of Aquarius.
How Aquarius Season 2024 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Here’s what each sign can expect from Aquarius season 2024. (Don’t forget to check your rising sign, too!)
Ready to ram your way into 2024, Aries? The lunar north node, which can dictate what path we are moving toward, will still be very much in the sign of Aries throughout 2024. This means all the signs need your strong-willed and adventurous spirit this year!
On a more personal note, with the sun traveling through your 11th house of community, your ultra-independent nature may move to the back burner as you feel inclined to work with others this month.
You’re taking your New Year’s resolutions to a new level this year, Taurus. With the sun activating your tenth house of career, you’re *finally* entering your boss babe era. You’re feeling totally confident in your professional and public life and may be riding your new year motivation all the way to the top at work.
With Jupiter and Uranus (total revolutionaries) spending the first half of 2024 in Taurus, you feel anything but grounded. Let your sensibility go with the wind (for once), and embrace this newfound confidence!
With the sun soaring through your ninth house of adventure, Aquarius season is a highly productive time for you. Your fellow air sign inspires your already-curious mind to hit the road and see where life takes you. With 2024 comes new beginnings, lessons, relationships, situationships, and opportunities to explore new perspectives.
BTW, when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th, you better be ready for a year-long transit of networking, gossiping, and curiosity. Right up your alley, Gemini!
Happy New Year, cosmic Cancers! The water bearer’s open-minded sociability may feel overwhelming for you, cautious crabs, but don’t worry; Aquarius season prompts you to open up about your feelings (even more than you already do). Don’t be afraid to channel the strong-willed, independent, badass energy. Aqua season is serving all the signs.
Because the sun is moving through your eighth house of sex, there may be some intense romance on the horizon.
Capricorn season sparking your sixth house of wellness and daily routines might have left you in a bit of a rut, but with the bright-burning Aquarius sun moving on to your seventh house of partnership, it’s time to focus on the relationships in your life. Think romantic, movie-worthy date nights, all-night talks, and V-Day planning.
You may be craving extra attention or socialization (I mean, when aren’t you?), but even more so during Aquarius season. This month is a great time to pour your attention into your friends, coworkers, and S.O.
The sun is moving through your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, Virgo. This means you’re in total self-care mode this month. And what better way to start the new Yyear? Since this house is already associated with your sign, you’re completely content in your comfort zone. It’s time to revitalize your wellness routine! Think crystal healing, setting intentions for the new year, learning to manifest, etc.
With Uranus and Jupiter traveling through your ninth house of adventure for the first half of the new year, you should start packing your bags now. It’s giving booked and busy!
New year, new relationships? With the sun moving through your fifth house of romance and self-expression, the new year brings new opportunities for you to show off your lovely flirting skills. Aquarius season brings good things to your life’s art and intimacy sectors. Maybe spice things up in the bedroom this month?
Don’t be afraid to leap of faith and jump right into that passion project you’ve been pushing to the side or finally ask that long-time crush out on a date.
While Capricorn season is a highly social time for Scorpios, Aquarius season moves the sun into your fourth house of home life. Your homebody habits are only elevated this month. Anything that doesn’t require you to leave the house sounds extra appealing (relatable). Your sense of family and the domestic are also under the microscope right now, so you may be in your feels more than usual.
On January 20th, Pluto (your mysterious and seductive ruler planet) completes a 16-year-long cruise in Capricorn and enters Aquarius, where it will stay for 20 years! This could mean significant changes in your family/home dynamic.
Feeling a little stagnant, Sag? Don’t worry! The water bearer’s season is highlighting your third house of communication. Now that we’ve moved away from the financial burdens of Cap season, your inner socialite is ready to make its 2024 debut. Your social calendar is overflowing with friends, family, and colleague meet-ups.
Who knows? You might even receive some juicy information about your inner social circle…
Thanks for guiding us smoothly into the new year, Capricorn! It’s a new year and a new era for these sea goats. With intense Pluto completing its 16-year-long cruise in Capricorn, you can breathe a sigh of relief. After 16 years of helping the signs move onto bigger and better things, you now have the time to focus on yourself.
With the sun shining through your second house of finances, you’ll be more honed in on your income and how to rise to the next level.
It’s your time to shine, Aquarius. Not only is it your season, but it’s ALSO the start of your astrological era. You couldn’t hide your glow if you tried! Your independent, curious, and idealistic way of life makes you a total visionary, and you can’t help but pass that on to the other signs this month.
Undoubtedly the most innovative, proudly rebellious, and humanitarian of the zodiac, you plan to spend the new year starting a revolution in your funkiest outfit yet. Happy Birthday, water bearers!
Starting the new year with your head in the clouds, Pisces? We don’t blame you. With the sun moving through your twelfth house of spirituality, you may be operating on a different plane than those around you. Pro tip? Pay close attention to your dreams this month. Your intuitive nature may be trying to tell you something.
Self-care, manifestation, and prioritizing mindfulness are crucial to getting through Aquarius season.
Happy New Year, cosmic cuties! We can’t wait to tell you about 2024’s upcoming celestial events, retrogrades, and more modern mysticism.