It’s Pride Month, a time when the LGBTQ+ community and allies celebrate being true to who you are, whatever your gender or sexual orientation. To honor Pride, we asked you on Instagram what Pride means to you. We received a wide range of fascinating responses representing various identities and outlooks and wanted to share some of our favorites with you.
As you celebrate Pride, we stand with and celebrate alongside you, and encourage you to explore what pride means to you!
@rifflechipz – “Pride means to celebrate our love for one another and to accept each other.”
@vanessaaaxm – “To me, pride means being proud to be my true self and not caring who agrees/doesn’t. It means living freely and allowing myself to be happy. And being able to be a safe place for folx who are yet to be their true self or who are figuring out who they are.”
@eyeless_jackie_loove – “Since I’m bisexual it means love is love. Don’t judge others.”
@nattigabrielle – “Pride means expressing yourself and protecting the future of our community.”
@matts_cool_desighns – “Pride to me is a month to show my true colors and to not be afraid of showing people the true me.”
@sharkybroshaw – “As a non-binary lesbian, pride means openly & proudly loving myself and my partner.”
@sydbidney – “Being proud of my gender and sexual identities.”
@karima.jackson_aiko_kachingwe – “Pride means being happy in your own skin no matter if you are gay, bi, pan, or trans.”
@__im.yvette__ – “Pride to me means, freedom. Freedom means to do whatever just to feel alive. Just be you.”
@ooky_spooky_space_girl – “Pride means one more step to being out and open without relation.
@lexi.kuehl – “Pride means Everything to me! Being bi can sometimes be a challenge but I am PROUD of me!”
@x_trash_goblin_x – “It means that I can be who I was meant to be in spite of all the people who tried to hold me back.”
@esmeesactivism – “Pride is being able to disarm hate and intolerance with love and validation. Pride is remembering our queer ancestors, and how they fought for a better future for all.”
@spaenhower – “It means love is unconditional.”
From Spencer’s to you, Happy Pride all year long!
We support the ACLU in the fight for social justice, civil liberties and LGBTQ+ rights.