May 21st is one of our favorite days of the year. Why? Because it’s National Pizza Party Day! Everybody loves pizza because of its delicious taste, but did you know pizza is capable of doing a lot more than just satisfying your belly? We are celebrating the cheesiest holiday of the year by predicting your future based on your favorite type of pizza. Whether you’re a meat-lover or a veggie-lover, we can tell you what’s to come by the end of 2021. Grab a slice of your favorite pizza and strap in!

Plain Pizza

Although you’re used to playing it safe, the rest of your 2021 will be all about trying new things. By the end of the year, you’ll have a new favorite TV show (which says a lot considering you’ve been re-watching the same show for five years now).

White Pizza

2021 has been an awesome year for you so far, but you feel like something is missing. By the end of the year, you’re going to have a new loyal companion. A furry friend! Please send pics.

Pepperoni Pizza

You’re a very solid and reliable person, and that’s going to pay off for you this year. By the end of the year, you’ll have a job that you love (and they’ll love you too)!

Meat Lover’s Pizza

Making others smile is always a goal of yours, and this year you’ll be smiling a lot too. By the end of the year, you’re going to meet someone you couldn’t live without! Some may find a great new friend, while others may find that special someone. AWWWW.

Veggie Lover’s Pizza

You love green on your pizza AND in your wallet. You’ve been working hard this year and you’re going to see the results. By the end of the year, you’re going to be rolling in cash. CHA-CHING!

Supreme Pizza

You have a lot on your pizza and a lot on your plate. Working hard is a great trait, but sometimes you need to take some time for yourself. By the end of the year, you’re going to take your dream vacation. It’s time to let loose!

Wait! There’s one more thing that we see in your very near future; a TON of your favorite pizza. Enjoy National Pizza Party Day and make sure to check out our site for all your pizza merch!