Whether we want to admit it or not, we live in a world that’s ruled by our phones. And while these devices are revolutionary and constantly get more impressive, they also interfere with genuine human interactions. We miss valuable moments every day because our faces are buried in a screen. You may find yourself feeling like social media used to be fun, but now it’s a chore. Once in a while, you need to take a break from it all.

March 4th is National Unplugging Day: A day to put our phones down for a full 24 hours. It’s the perfect opportunity to relax, reset, connect with loved ones, and get active. This year for National Unplugging Day, we’re providing a list of fun things to do while you’re unplugged! It’s good to take a step back once in a while because your phone isn’t what’s important at the end of the day. Turn it off and get ready for some fun!

Cook Dinner

Plan a special meal for your friends and family. Cooking keeps your mind and body active. Plus, it’s rewarding!

Arts & Crafts

Who doesn’t love a little artsin’ and craftin’?! It’s the perfect way to stimulate your brain and use your creativity. If drawing or coloring isn’t for you, you should try reinventing some of your favorite t shirts! Check out these awesome guides: How to Cut a T Shirt To Make It Even Cooler and DIY Bleach Tie Dye T Shirt Guide.

Go on a Nature Walk

Go see something beautiful! Explore the woods or head to the beach. If you can’t get to one of these locations, find a spot to watch the sunrise or sunset. Make some time to appreciate nature.

Get Some Exercise

Get that heart rate up! Exercising can help relieve stress and reset your mood.

Museums and art galleries are great places to visit while you’re unplugged. It’s the perfect opportunity to take everything in without reaching for your phone to snap a pic.

Practice Yoga or Meditation

Yoga and meditation are both awesome activities to consider while you’re unplugged. For tips on some simple meditation techniques, check out National Stress Awareness Day: 3 Ways to Unwind When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed.

Host a Game Night

Host a game night and invite all of your friends! If you need some recommendations on great card and board games, check out our awesome selection!

While it might be hard to imagine, life without your phone is fun! We hope you have an excellent Unplugging Day. Make sure to keep up with our blog for more health and wellness content!