In case you needed another reason to drink over winter break, we’ve come up with a few. Whether you’re hanging out with friends or want to take family game night to the next level, we’ve picked out some of the best and funniest drinking games to play.


Spencer's Drinkopoly Board Game

Get ready for the blurriest game night of your life. This game guarantees an unforgettable experience, but there’s a strong possibility that you won’t remember much. Drinkopoly is played very similarly to classic games, but also not at the same time. You still go around the board and pass “Go,” but there’s really no objective other than just drinking a lot. So how does someone win? Depends. We’d like to think that if someone has to run to the bathroom to take care of some “business,” then they more than likely lost. Play however you want, but going around the board until everyone either takes a trip to the bathroom or starts waving their tiny, imaginary white flag sounds like the end of the game to us.

What Do You Meme

Spencer's What Do You Meme Game

Ah. The game where friendships are both created and destroyed. Someone will pull out a photo card from the deck and, just like every millennial does, the other players will try to caption it and create the perfect meme. So where do you drink in this game? You tell us! We’d suggest taking a shot every time your caption card isn’t picked as the winner, but if you’re not a very funny person, maybe you could settle for taking a sip instead.

Drunken Tower

Spencer's Drunken Tower Game

Love classic block-stacking games? We found a way to make it even more fun. Just add alcohol! The Drunken Tower drinking game is played just the same, but there are actions listed on the blocks. Will you drink two with the player to the right? Drink one alone? Or will you be saved this round by a blank block? Using the included four shot glasses, all you’ll need are a few friends and a bottle of your favorite booze.

Wicked Big Sports Flip Cup

Spencer's Wicked Big Sports Flip Cup

Bigger is always better. Everyone knows how to play flip cup, right? Perfect. Save time by not going over the rules and get right down to business. Wicked Big Sports Flip Cup is played just like a regular game of flip cup but on a larger scale—literally. You can make the call on how much alcohol to pour in each cup, but keep in mind that each one stands over 10” tall! You can play outside, or if it’s a little colder where you are in December, it can also be played inside as long as you have the room.

So are you ready to ring in the holidays or what? Any one of these fun drinking games is sure to get everyone involved and laughing the entire time. Did your all-time favorite drinking game not make the list? Tell us what it is! Send us a pic of you and your friends playing it to for a chance to be featured in a future post.