Are you looking to level up from your standard ear piercing? Luckily for you, the lobe is far from the limit. With a wide array of cartilage piercings at your fingertips, your ear is yours to customize to your heart’s content. This article highlights the daith piercing, which is not only stylish, but also has widely debated claims of potential health benefits.
Hoping to learn more? Take a deep dive into this guide to learn the basics, including the piercing’s location, healing times, aftercare tips, and as we mentioned, potential health benefits. We’re also providing an FAQ section filled with in-depth answers, helping you decide if this piercing is right for you.
As always, we want to clarify that some piercings aren’t for everyone, and we highly encourage speaking to a professional for additional information.
Table of Contents
Daith Piercing Quick Facts
Daith piercings sit right above the ear canal, within the ear’s innermost cartilage fold.
Healing Time
It can vary between nine months and a little more than a year, which is slightly longer than most cartilage piercings.
Though their pricing varies, daith piercings generally cost between $30 and $100 (not including jewelry).
Similar to conch piercings, daith piercings are typically performed using a 16G or 14G needle.
What is a Daith Piercing?
Daith Piercing Location:
The daith piercing is located in the innermost fold of the inner ear’s cartilage, directly above the ear canal. The piercing site lies right between the rook and the tragus.
Daith Piercing Process:
Since cartilage folds are made from tougher tissue than the more delicate skin of the earlobe, daith piercings are usually done with either a standard 16-gauge or 14-gauge piercing needle.
Healing Time:
About nine months to a year (or longer).
Recommended Jewelry:
Daith Piercing Potential Health Benefits
Can daith piercings cure migraines?
The short answer? No. No, not quite.
Some swear that their daith piercing helped relieve their migraines and headaches. However, according to the American Migraine Foundation, those who experience migraine relief from a daith piercing may be dealing with a placebo effect – meaning that the relief they feel is merely psychological and, by extension, temporary. Any evidence in support of daith piercings for migraine treatment is anecdotal, not scientific (though some Italian medical researchers are advocating for further scientific study of their potential health benefits).
Can daith piercings help with anxiety?
Claims of the daith’s anti-anxiety benefits stem from its similarity to acupunctural practices; many believe that there is a pressure point correlated with the digestive system within that portion of the ear, which, when punctured, reduces anxiety and helps with weight loss. However (and we can’t stress this enough), there is no scientific evidence proving that daith piercings are an effective form of anxiety treatment.
Can daith piercings impact weight loss?
Like migraine and anxiety relief, any evidence of daith piercings helping with weight loss is purely anecdotal, not scientific! The reason why many believe it to be effective here is the same for anxiety: it all goes back to acupuncture. Under this line of reasoning, if a professional can locate and pierce the specific digestive pressure point in the ear, it would provide the same digestive and weight management benefits as an acupunctural needle.
For more information on the potential benefits of piercings, be sure to read Surprising Benefits of Piercings.
Daith Piercing FAQs
How long do daith piercings take to heal?
Daith piercings can take between nine months to a year (or longer) to fully heal. Piercing healing times depend on several factors, such as:
- The placement of your piercing.
- How thorough and consistent you are with aftercare.
- The natural rate of your body’s healing process (everyone’s different).
If your ear takes longer to heal than expected, no worries! What you need to look out for are signs of infection, though. This can be avoided by following the aftercare instructions provided by your piercing. Read How to Care for Your Body Piercing and Jewelry for additional aftercare information.
Does getting a daith piercing hurt?
As is the standard for most cartilage piercings, a daith piercing will likely hurt more than your everyday lobe piercing. Some who’ve had the piercing done note an initial sharp sensation followed by a few days of soreness, but everyone’s experience with the modification is unique. Keep in mind that you know your pain tolerance best; make an appointment with a professional piercer to assess if a daith piercing process is safe and manageable for you. If you’re feeling daunted by the prospect of excessive ear pain, you can always take some faux body jewelry out for a spin.
How do I care for my daith piercing?
Maintaining a thorough aftercare routine is key to reducing your risk of piercing site infection. This is especially true for a daith piercing, which has an extended healing period. We recommend cleaning your piercing with H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray or saline solution twice daily and regularly cleaning your jewelry. Speak with a professional piercer to see what aftercare methods suit you and your piercing. If you’re experiencing symptoms of an infection, contact your healthcare professional ASAP!
How much do daith piercings cost?
It isn’t easy to give a precise answer here since many variables can determine the overall cost of a piercing. For instance, your location and the rates of your studio of choice can determine how much you pay at the end of your visit. That being said, a daith piercing will usually cost somewhere between $30 and $100 (not including the price of jewelry).
How do you give yourself a daith piercing?
If there’s one piercing you don’t want to DIY, it’s the daith (although no body modification should be done without a pro). Since this piercing is located in such a tricky spot, it’s super easy to injure yourself, damage your cartilage, or give yourself a severe infection. Rest assured: a skipped trip to the piercer is a sure trip to the doctor. Book an appointment at your favorite piercing studio and get the job done right!
Why shouldn’t I get a daith piercing?
Body modifications, especially those in such a sensitive spot, require much thought and research before booking your appointment. You’ll want to consider how committed you are to keeping up with aftercare and jewelry maintenance, and both the limits of your pain tolerance and the amount of money you are willing to put toward your piercing. At the end of the day, trust your gut! If you’re not feeling like this is the best piercing for you, there are so many others to choose from.
Daith Piercing FAQs (Jewelry)
What’s the most common type of daith jewelry?
Your piercer will know what jewelry best suits you, but these are generally the most common pieces used for daith piercings.
- Horseshoe rings are a classic. The perfect blend of versatility and fashion, this piece allows you to easily insert, remove, and clean your piercing without sacrificing style.
- Captive bead rings are preferable as initial piercing pieces since they’re less likely to snag. Like horseshoe rings, they seamlessly incorporate style and convenience into their design.
How do I care for my daith jewelry?
Piercing site aftercare and good jewelry maintenance go hand in hand to ensure smooth sailing for your daith piercing. To clean your jewelry, carefully and thoroughly wash it with antibacterial soap and warm water. Avoid harsh, alcohol-based chemicals to ensure your jewelry’s longevity! If you don’t properly keep up with maintenance, the build-up can accumulate on your jewelry, leading to damage and an increased risk of infection. For more tips, read How to Care for Your Body Jewelry & Body Piercings.
How much does daith jewelry cost?
Ear jewelry comes in all different shapes, sizes, and materials – it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cost here. The cost of daith piercing jewelry can depend on design and material quality; simpler, more accessible pieces may be more affordable, while jewelry made with precious stones and metals could cost an arm and a leg. At Spencer’s, you’ll find that most of our cartilage jewelry ranges from $15 to $40 and mainly comprises 316L surgical steel or titanium.
How long should I wait to change my daith jewelry?
The rule of thumb with any piercing is to wait until the piercing site is completely healed before you change out the original jewelry. This is especially crucial for the daith since it’s more prone to infection than other spots (some folks only change out their daith jewelry on rare occasions). Consider consulting your professional piercer before changing jewelry, as they can assess how well you’ve healed and point you toward jewelry pieces that best suit you!
Can I get an allergic reaction?
Allergic reactions can occur with any piercing. The key is knowing your body and its potential allergies before getting pierced! At Spencer’s, most of our jewelry collection contains surgical steel and titanium. If rashes, redness, or bumps arise, you’re likely allergic to your jewelry and need to change it! Have an allergy? We’ve got you covered with hypoallergenic jewelry.
What are the most common types of jewelry material?
Your piercer will know what works best for you, but these are generally the most common materials used in daith piercings.
- Stainless steel is an affordable and durable option for your daith jewelry.
- Titanium jewelry can be more expensive, but it’s completely hypoallergenic, making it the perfect option for sensitive skin.
- Surgical steel is durable and easily accessible.
Fell in love with daith piercings? We don’t blame you. Whether this guide has you hungry for a new piercing or just provided food for thought, we hope you had fun learning something new. For more body mod and piercing content, be sure to check out all the guides The Inspo Spot offers! (And, of course, our site is always here to keep your ears looking their best.) Happy piercing!
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